Step 1: Paper Format Guidelines
- Papers should be written in English and formatted according to the Springer
LNCS/CCIS one-column page format..(Format Given below)
- Full papers must have a length of 12-15 pages
- All references, figures, and tables should be numbered in sequence starting from
1 and MUST be duly cited / referred within the text.
- The figures / graphs / plots in the manuscript MUST be of good resolution (600
dpi or more), tables MUST NOT be in pictorial format. Text in figures should not
be too small, and preferably of equal size as text of the article.
- Any article, not in format, will be subjected to rejection without any judgment
on its quality.
Step 2: Submit For Review
- Create / sign up for Microsoft CMT login account if you do not have one.
- Fill proper metadata of the article in CMT as they exist in your article. Title,
Abstract, Keywords, list of authors (in order) and subject area should be
mentioned in CMT while submitting.
- You will be assigned a unique article ID of your submitted article, which you
should remember and use for any correspondence.
- Please Note that after Acceptance Notification you cannot widthdraw you paper
from AIBTR 2023
- Paying Registration Fee: Calculate the registration fee according to your type
of authorship (Academia includes Professor / Faculty / Research Scholars / PG
Student; Indian Author (Industry); Author from Outside India) and make payment
using Online Payment available at home page of the website.
- Do not forget to send scanned copy of the online payment receipt on
- Please Note that after Acceptance Notification you cannot widthdraw you paper
from AIBTR 2023
- Paying Registration Fee: Calculate the registration fee according to your type
of authorship (Academia includes Professor / Faculty / Research Scholars / PG
Student; Indian Author (Industry); Author from Outside India) and make payment
using Online Payment available at home page of the website.
- Do not forget to send scanned copy of the online payment receipt on
Mailing the following items in .zip / .rar format to
- The Camera ready Article files, only in prescribed MS Word format.
- Scanned copy of filled in Registration Form.
- Scanned copy of filled in Copyright Form.
- Proof of studentship.
- Scanned copy of registration fee receipt: Demand Draft/Cheque/Online Payments.
The mail must bear the subject line as: “Registration of article